Little Free Library comes to North Hills

We now have a free library in North Hills.  Thanks to our neighbors, Barbara Prillaman & Francisco Rodriguez we have a free library located at the end of their driveway on Northside Drive where it dead ends at  the intersection with Marsh Road facing the brand new mural (more on that later) at the Mt. Pleasant baseball field.

Take a book, Leave a book

Little Free Library is a non-profit organization which provides book-sharing boxes throughout the U.S.  The boxes are open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and are freely accessible to anyone who wants to take or share a book.

The success of the Little Free Library is based on “take one, share one” so it is a fun way to clean out those boxes of books in the attic and to discover a new book to read at no cost.

Please take a moment to stop by, and if you see Barbara or Francisco in the yard, extend your thanks!


“Eclectic Flock” Lands at MPHS


Thanks to all who attended our Coffee Meet & Greet!